We went on a trip! Our Experiential Ed Trip: Focus on Dakota and Ojibwe Country of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Look at all the places we traveled! More photos to come over the next several days.
Find the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar here: https://www.edvisionshighschool.com/page/calendar
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Micah Bernard.
Senior Project: Game Development. Favorite part of being a senior: College planning. Future plans: UW-Stout. Quote: “What is belief - what is faith - if you don’t continue it after failure?” - Brandon Sanderson
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize LorRae Portner.
Senior Project: National Showcase. Favorite part of being a senior: Senior project. Future Plans: To make team USA. Favorite quote: "With out rain nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms in your life." -Anonymous
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Lily Trana.
Senior Project: Creating a Children's Book. Favorite part of being a senior: Seeing my book come to life. Future plans: being a novelist. Favorite Quote: “The past can hurt. But the way I can see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.”
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Lars Croyle.
Senior Project: Game Development & Design. Favorite part of being a senior: The senior projects offer a unique and interesting challenge. Future plans: College & traveling
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Kaitlyn Thomas.
Senior Project: Exploring My Native Roots & Heritage. Favorite part of being a senior: being done with high school and meeting new friends. Future plans: building a future for my myself and my family. Quote: "Tough times never last but tough people do"-Robert H. Schuller
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Jaelyn Rother.
Senior Project: Greek Mythology. Favorite part of being a senior: I had the easiest senior year ever. Future plans: Do all the things I didn’t have time to do with school.
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Isaac Heim.
Senior Project: Spanish language and culture. Favorite part of being a senior: being able to plan for college. Future plans: I'm looking forward to working and doing university. Quote: "You need a little bit of rain to have a little bit of rainbow."
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Eleanor Coons-Ruskey.
Senior Project: Living with ADHD. Favorite part of being a senior: Senior project. Future Plans: Starting college next year. Quote: Killing two stones with one bird (I made this one up)
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Cedar Webster.
Senior Project: Video Editing. Favorite part of being a senior: Being closer to a new stage in life. Quote: It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living. ― F. Scott Fitzgerald
For the next couple of weeks, you will get a chance to "meet" our seniors. Today we want to recognize Brienna Shrawder.
Senior Project: Animation. Favorite part of being a senior: It's fun to look back on all the things I've been planning since Freshman year come to life. Future plans: Continuing to grow my skills and gain new real world experiences!
On June 2nd, Patty's advisory took a hike on the Superior Hiking Trail and ate some ice cream at Love Creamery in West Duluth. It was a great end to an awesome year!
Congratulations to our class of 2023! We are very proud of your achievements and look forward to your futures!
Graduation is headed our way! Thursday June 8th! We are so excited to celebrate this year's seniors.
Today may be the last day of advisory, but never fear, math help is here. Students are welcome to continue their math journey with assistance available on June 7,12, 13,14,15 19 20,21, and 22 from 10-11AM. Join us!
One really important element of Spring Celebration is senior presentations, where seniors share about their senior projects. Their projects were incredible! We are so proud of our seniors!
Spring Celebration included activities like a game room, a movie, and Prom. This year's Prom theme was Fairy Garden Forest. Many students enjoyed dressing up, grand march, and dancing. It was a fun-filled evening!
At Spring Celebration, there was also time for students to explore the activities that Base Camp had to offer, including archery, rock climbing, and a ropes course. Students learned how to do each activity safely before giving them a try.
Spring Celebration was on May 24th and 25th. One of the major highlights of the event was Base Camp, which took place on the second day. First up at Base Camp was team building activities led by Base Camp staff. Students worked together to complete a number of challenges.